ON A MISSION - Sangolqui, Ecuador Jan 2017


 Sangolqui, Ecuador  Jan. 2017

You never know where one connection will lead. One of Eileen's favorite people at Sias University in China was a 30-something American named Steven Sumner, a mental health professional trying to set up a clinic on campus to deal with those "hidden issues" that the Chinese don't want to acknowledge like depression, suicide and dating violence.

Learning and fun
Smiles abound
During a visit to Phoenix he mentioned that his parents had moved from California to Ecuador. So when we found ourselves in Quito February 2016, we contacted them to see if the want to get together for lunch.

And so it all began, a relationship that gets stronger with each visit. Elaine and Steve were missionaries that came to Ecuador to help with the many abandoned children who work the streets and typically get involved with petty crime to sustain themselves. Once they saw how great the need was, they committed their lives --and retirement funds-- to helping these youth and settling in Sangolqui, Ecuador.
Eager students
Our local pastor
Elaine invited us to teach our leadership course at the school where she teaches English. The school was started by fellow missionaries, Dan and Teresa, for youth who could not attend school during the day. Either they were working or teen parents or had other challenging situations.

Over the course of two weeks we taught the students leadership--and life skills--such as how to communicate, conflict resolution, setting goals, and time management in Spanish, or some facsimile thereof.
Hanging with the boys
Elaine was on hand to translate when Eileen got stuck or the students eyes reflected befuddlement about what was being said. 

A day of inspiration
During our stay, we had a very special outing up into the mountains with Elaine and Teresa to visit one of the indigenous villages where the foundation, Fundacion Ninos Con Destinos en Los Manos de Dios, maintained a school. 

Funding was tight and it was unclear whether they would be able to continue. The residents told Teresa how much the school meant to them and what a difference it was making. 

Our newfound family in Sangolqui
Needless to say, it provided even more incentive to raise the necessary funding and continue their important work. For us, it was a new experience, working side by side with these committed missionaries and truly caring people who let no obstacles stand in their way despite enormous challenges.

We look forward to continuing to contribute in the future. 

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